Problem/ Challenge
Setting goals are easy, but achieving them aren't. Especially in our digital world, there are plenty of ways to set goals and reminders; however, these methods are proven unsuccessful.
Motify is an app that goes beyond just sending notifications, it uses the social component to drive self-motivation on tasks that range from fitness to something as small as cleaning your room. Having friends act as the motifyer, users can be motivated to do tasks on daily bases and eventually develop healthy habits.
App: Motify
The app is simple and easy to use, and users are able to find friends easily when connected with other social media accounts. Every goal is customized and users are to complete their desired goal before the accountability deadline. If a goal is not completed by the deadline, the motifier will be able to send a personalized reminder. If a goal is completed, motifier would be able to ask for proof of the completed task. Completed tasks would be shared on the social feed based on shared setting that allows all friends to be involved by liking and commenting.
Out of Home: Celebrity endorsement via live billboards
To launch and raise awareness of the app, we will have celebrity demonstrate how the app works. Having live updates of an ongoing challenge with well known celebrities squads, it will drive people to download the app.
Guerilla: RFID feed
Another way to promote the app is to be involved in events where people are already giving words of encouragements. As marathon runners pushes through the run, a little motivation from family and friends can be everything. To do this, we are using the RFID technology to send direct encouragements to runners throughout the race. A third camera will capture the moment and collect the feed for the runner at the end of the race in the app.
Social: Facebook Posts and Stickers
To engage with our audience on a regular bases, we will push out fun content on Facebook to show users situations that is relatable. This will encourage involvement and also show people that Motify is for everyone. Additionally, a sticker set will be launched on Facebook for people to use and drive even more awareness.
Advertising on Motify
Since the app itself is free, Motify’s revenue will be through its targeted advertisements. Since users are volunteering their information, marketers can use the information to monetize advertisements. Some possible brands could be Amazon Kindle (for users that want to read more), LA Fitness (for users that want to go to the gym more), and Nike (for users that want to exercise more).
Art Director: Catherine Lin
Copywriter: Amy Wu
Planner: Conner Byrne
Maker: Arthur Barros